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2006-11-22 - 7:25 a.m.

Hey everyone. I don't have too much time (butm do I ever??) but wanted to update.

My conference with Coby's teacher went well yesterday. He is doing fine and behaving very well. I wasn't worried, but it's always nice to hear, you know?

We went and saw Happy Feet yesteday and despite all the bad reviews, I thought it was really cute. The kids loved it! We bought Ice Age II to watch tonight. That was one we wanted to see in theaters, but never got a chance to.

Coby and I went Christmas shopping for Ella (from him) yesterday while she was in school. I needed to take advantage of that time with him, as that is the last time it will happen that he is home and she is in school. He knew what he wanted to get her before we got there (a stuffed princess chair), so we picked that up for her as well as a bird feeder that sticks to the window. She is fascinated with birds, so she will love this. I also got a chance to see what HE likes. It's getting hard (and expensive!) to get stuff for him. I've already warned him about this, as his stuff costs more than hers so it may LOOK like she has more, but really does not. I got a great deal in GB Advance for him, so I think he will like that. Everything else he found yesterday was $35 or more!!! Agh!!

Jon and I decided that instead of getting each other stuff this year, we're just going to get a plasma flat screen TV for our bedroom wall. I've never had a TV in my bedroom, so I'm excited about it!!! We may wait until after the holidays, we have not decided yet.

I'll be traveling to my moms house on Friday and attempting to come home on Sunday. Let's hope it doesn't take hours......

Gotta go....have a GREAT Turkey Day!!!

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